Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Kirby the Wonder Dog

In the spring of 2005 Jan was remodeling her building in Corning,California. The roof had just been re-done, all 5,000 square feet of it. Dillon and Ben Hammond were delivering Jan's things from storage on the east coast and had climbed up to the roof to admire the work. The roof was flat and there were sides that surrounded the roof about 3 feet high and a foot wide, made of bricks and tarred on the top. The building is one of the tallest in Corning, at least 30 feet to the roof.Alvero, one of the workmen had let Kirby climb up to the roof and Jan was in the process of asking him to grab Kirby and get him downstairs ,when Kirby decided to jump up on the side of the wall.He turned to face the group as if to say "I'm sorry" and he slowly lost his footing and slipped over the side out of sight. Of course Janice began to scream, Dillon ,Dean and Ben ran down to the street . Kirby could not be found anywhere. Not dead in the street, not on the sidewalk, not in the alley.Gone. Jan was inconsolable, when Alvero runs down to the street with Kirby in his arms .It seems that Kirby fell about 15 feet to the roof /awning over the street, and rolled off that about 15 feet to the street.He was running up the stairs to the roof to find out where everyone was, when Alvero captured him.
Dillon immediately grabbed the dog and guiding Jan ,jumped into Deans' nearby truck .His instructions were clear. To call the vet on the cell, that we'd be there in 15 minutes. Call Dean and tell him we'd commandeered his truck. Dillon drove like a paramedic, prompting Jan to check the dog for a board-like abdomen, for bleeding, check his pupils for neurological signs..keep him awake, observe for bleeding in his mouth.....we got there and they kept 'till 5PM. We worried and fussed and at the end of the day....Kirby , got his name "the Wonder-dog" as he pranced out of the vet, a slight scrape on his chin and otherwise fit as a fiddle!

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